- Composition of the Editorial Board of the Federal Senate, since August 2019;

- Composition of the Evaluation Committee of the CAPES Thesis Award, in 2019;

- Assistance for the creation of the Public Digital Archive of Amapá/UNIFAP;

- Collaboration with the State Department of Science, Technology and Professional and Technological Education of Pará, since July 2019;

- Membership of the Board of Trustees of the Guamá Science and Technology Foundation, since July 2019;

- Composition of the State Council for Indigenous Policy, since November 2019;

- Collaboration with the "Forma Pará" Program since 2020;

- Composition of the João Lúcio de Azevedo Chair/Camões Institute-UFPA, since 2019;

- Composition of the Board of Directors of the Research Support and Development Foundation (FADESP) (2019-2021);

- Composition of the Working Group on the conservation of the archival collection of the Technical Office of the National Indian Foundation in Belém (PA), in 2019;

- Composition of the Area Advisory Committee of the Anísio Teixeira Educational Research Institute (INEP), in the area of ​​History, in 2020;

- Collaboration at ANPUH/Nacional at the Reference Center for Political Struggles in Brazil (1964-1985): "Revealed Memories". National Archives (Rio de Janeiro), from 2015 to 2017;

- Composition of the Historical and Geographical Institute of Pará;

- Membership in the Literary and Beneficent Society "Cinco de Agosto", which maintains an important historical collection about the region of Salgado, located in the city of Vigia;

- Composition of VERDIAMA Propagação e Cultura, acting in the formation of community leaders;

- Composition of the commission of the "Paulo Fonteles Historical Collection", in partnership with the "Paulo Fonteles Institute of Human Rights", which foresees the digitalization of the historical collection of the former deputy, which deals with his political-social performance in the 1970s and 1980 and its parliamentary production;

- Participation in the Brazilian Society for the History of Science (management 2020-2022);

- Composition in the curatorship of the exhibition "Círio 1900 - Photographs by Jacques Huber", promoted and mounted by the Centro Cultural Sesc Ver-o-Peso, Belém, from October to December 2018;

- Membership of the Brazilian Association of Oral History (2018-2020 administration);

- Membership of the History Council of the Sérgio Buarque de Holanda Center for Documentation and Political History of the Perseu Abramo Foundation;

- Membership in a consultancy commission to the Union of Workers in Port Services in Public and Private Terminals and Retroports in the States of Pará and Amapá Pará/Amapá (SINDIPORTOS).

- Participation in the creation committee of the "Cultural Space of the Amazon Memory Center: Academic Events, Exhibitions, Cinema, Music, Theater and other artistic and cultural representations".