Concentration Area: Social History of the Amazon


Research Line:

Art, Culture, Religion and Languages

Studies of social and cultural history of art in the Amazon. Studies on culture and its languages and mediations in the Amazon. Comparative studies of art history (including visual, musical and scenic arts), literature and languages, as well as their cultural and intellectual matrices. Art, communities, artistic movements and intellectual history. Visual narratives, sonorities, fountains of the performing arts. Cultural histories of production, circulation and artistic reception in the Amazon. Collecting and patronage in the Amazon. Artistic collections, historical patrimony, museological spaces: past and present. Cultural, artistic and mediatic languages in contemporary times.


Research Line:

City, Forest and Sertão: culture, work and power

Study on culture and cities in the Amazon. Studies on labor, social movements and cities in the Amazon. Studies on the culture and sertões in the Amazon. Work and social movements in the sertões and Amazónia n forests. Comparative studies among the cities, the sertões and the Amazónia n forests. Studies on the local and political powers of governments in the Amazon.


Research Line: 

Ethnicity and Territorialities: use and representations

Space, colonization and occupation of the Amazon. Land, work and culture in the Amazon. Geographies, cartographies and territorial representations of the past. Indigenous history and historiography and indigenism. Slavery, work, and race relations. The relationship between capital and labor, mediated by culture and the field of interethnic relations. Encounters and cultural confrontations (seventeenth and twenty-first centuries). Culture and worlds of work. Studies on historical dynamics of space, landscapes and territorialities.


Research Line:

Population and Society

Studies of the processes of occupation of the Amazon. Migratory movements in the Amazon. Population dynamics in the Amazon. Family structure in the Amazon. Strategies, patrimony and meanings of families in the Amazon. Gender and sexuality in the Amazon.