Concentration Area: Social History of the Amazon


Research Line – Art, Culture, Religion and Languages


Free Waters, New Horizons, Other Landscapes: reception, circulation and collection of Brazilian and international art in Belém do Pará (1860-1930)

Coordinator: Aldrin Moura de Figueiredo

Starting Date: 01/01/2015

Funding: CNPq and UFPA (PIBIC)


The Invention of "Black Music" in the Paraense Amazon: exchanges between writers and composers (1930-1960)

Coordinator: Antonio Maurício Dias da Costa

Starting Date:  10/01/2014

Funding: CNPq


Beyond the River and the Forest: art and history of the landscape in the Amazon (18th-20th centuries)

Coordinator: Aldrin Moura de Figueiredo

Starting Date: 12/01/2014

Funding: CNPq 


Church and State: the novelization of Catholicism in the Amazon

Coordinator: Fernando Arthur de Freitas Neves

Starting Date: 01/01/2015



Research Line – City, Forest and Sertão: Culture, Trabalho and Power


The General Company of Grão-Pará and Maranhão. Stanch and Traffic in the Seven Hundred’s Grão-Pará

Coordinator: Jose Alves de Souza Junior

Starting Date: 01/01/2013



Antonio Lemos in the Visual and Verbal Representations of the Local and National Press (1908-1912)

Coordinator: Maria de Nazaré Sarges

 Starting Date: 01/01/2017


UFPA and the Years of Lead: memories, traumas, silences and educational culture (1964-1985)

Coordinator: Edilza Joana Oliveira Fontes

Starting Date: 08/01/2013



The Navy in the Amazon: Modernization and National Security (1903-1918)

Coordinator: William Gaia Farias

Starting Date: 01/01/2015

Funding: Federal University of Pará (PIBIC)


Colonization Cartography: occupation of land, landscape and rural production in the settlements and agricultural colonies of Pará, decades of 1840-1880

Coordinator: Francivaldo Alves Nunes

Starting Date: 01/01/2015



Science and Society in the Amazon, 1890-1920: the trajectory of the Swiss botanist Jacques Huber (1867-1914)

Coordinator: Nelson Rodrigues Sanjad 

Starting Date: 01/01/2013


From Basel to the Amazon: the transnational career of Jacques Huber (1867-1914) and his work on the Amazónia in forest

Coordinator: Nelson Rodrigues Sanjad 

Starting Date: 01/01/2016

Funding: CNPq 


Ethnobiography, Interculturality and Sociocultural Capital: art of memory in the canvases of Maria Necy Balieiro

Coordinator: Agenor Sarraf Pacheco

Starting Date: 01/01/2015

Funding: CAPES (PhD National Plan)


Political, Social and Economic History of the State of Pará: 1982-1985

Coordinator: Pedro Petit Penarrocha

Starting Date: 01/01/2017

Funding: Federal University of Pará (PIBIC)


Island of Onças: Nature, manufacturing and Industry

Coordinator: Leila Mourão

Starting Date: 01/01/2017


The Intendant Antonio Lemos: intellectual circles and the relations of power in the Paraense Republic (1897-1911)

Coordinator: Maria de Nazaré Sarges

Starting Date: 01/01/2014


The Military Governments and UFPA: Public History, Memory, Traumas and Resentments

Coordinator: Edilza Joana Oliveira Fontes

Starting Date: 08/01/2013

Funding: UFPA (PIBIC)


Civil Society and Political Scenario in Pará in Times of Civil-Military Dictatorship: 1964-1970

Coordinator: Pedro Petit Penarrocha

Starting Date: 03/01/2013


Research Line – Ethnicity and Territorialities: Use and Representations

The Society in Microcosm: color hierarchies in sociabilities engendered by adolescents in the school environment

Coordinator: Wilma de Nazaré Baía Coelho

Starting Date: 01/01/2012

Funding: CNPq - (Research Support) / Federal University of Pará - (Undergraduate Research Institutional Scholarship Program - PIBIC)


Abuses, Usurpations and Misadventures: indigenous lands and imperial justice in Rio de Janeiro, nineteenth century

Coordinator: Patrícia Maria Melo Sampaio

Starting Date: 01/01/2014

Funding: CNPq - (Research Productivity Scholarship)


The Drugs of the Sertão and the Atlantic Commerce (Centuries XVII and XVIII)

Coordinator: Rafael Ivan Chambouleyron

Starting Date: 01/01/2017

Funding: CNPq - (Research Productivity Scholarship) 


The Spartans of the Amazon: history of the Munduruku (1770-1896)

Coordinator: Márcio Couto Henrique

Starting Date: 01/01/2015

Funding: CNPq / UFPA (PIBID)


The "Tapuitinga" Priests of the Society of Jesus and the Pombaline Reforms in the Portuguese Amazon (1750-1777)

Coordinator: Karl Arenz

Starting Date: 01/01/2017

Funding: Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel - (Social Demand Program)


Beyond the Plantation. A Social History of the Slavery of the Grão-Pará (1778-1888)

Coordinator: José Maia Bezerra Neto

Starting Date: 03/01/2015

Funding: CNPq


Adolescents Societies: color and hierarchies in the school environment

Coordinator: Mauro Cezar Coelho

Starting Date: 03/01/2015

Funding: CNPq 


Research Line – Population, Family, Migration and Gender


Cartography of Colonization: Occupation of land, landscape and rural production in the settlements and agricultural colonies of Pará, decades of 1840-1880

Coordinator: Francivaldo Alves Nunes

Starting Date: 01/01/2015

Funding: Federal University of Pará (PIBIC)


Portuguese Immigration: flows, characteristics and trajectories (Pará-Belém / 1850-1930)

Coordinator: Cristina Donza Cancela

Starting Date: 01/01/2015

Funding: CNPq


The Portuguese in Belém: patrimony, alliances and sociability (1850-1920)

Coordinator: Cristina Donza Cancela

Starting Date: 01/01/2015

Funding: CNPq/UFPA (PIBID)


Population and Epidemic: population dynamics in the Amazon and the measles epidemic in Grão-Pará (1748-1778)

Coordinator: Antonio Otaviano Vieira Junior

Starting Date: 01/01/2015

Funding: Federal University of Pará - (Undergraduate Research Institutional Scholarship Program - PIBIC)


Proprietas Network: properties, innovations and common good

Coordinator: Francivaldo Alves Nunes

Starting Date: 01/01/2015

Funding: Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel  - (Social Demand Network)


Sowing Civilization. Railroad of Bragança: nature, work and daily life (1883-1908)

Coordinator: Franciane Gama Lacerda

Starting Date: 01/01/2016

Funding: Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel  - (Social Demand Network